
Tag Archives: Vagrant

The LJC ran it’s ever-popular annual Open Conference on Saturday 23rd November, and this was the first time I’ve made it along. To say I was impressed was an understatement, and I’ll try and capture some more thoughts in a later blog post, but for the moment I wanted to share the slides from the main presentation I delivered “Chuck Norris Doesn’t Need DevOps”


Can’t see the presentation slides? Please click here

The original pitch for the talk was as follows:

“We all hear the term “DevOps” being thrown around on a daily basis, but what does it actually mean? With a little help from everyone’s favourite 80’s action hero, we’ll undergo a whistle-stop tour of the philosophy, culture and tooling behind this buzzword, specifically aimed at Java Developers.

We’ll also look at a real-world case study from Instant Access Technologies Ltd, and explore the key role that DevOps has played during a successful upgrade of the epoints customer loyalty platform to support increasing traffic. The core discussion will focus on the challenges encountered as we moved from a monolithic app deployed into a data centre on a ‘big bang’ schedule, to a platform of loosely-coupled components, all being continuously deployed into the Cloud.”

Thanks to everyone who attended my presentation! The feedback was most welcome, and the questions were great. If anyone wants to add anything further than please feel free to comment, email or tweet at me!

I’ve been playing around with Chef again this afternoon, and ran into a problem after following the (very useful) Opscode tutorials and then experimenting on my own

The Problem

localhost ==============================================================
localhost Chef encountered an error attempting to create the client "vagrant.vm"
localhost ==============================================================
localhost Authorization Error:
localhost --------------------
localhost Your validation client is not authorized to create the client for this node (HTTP 403).
localhost Possible Causes:
localhost ----------------
localhost * There may already be a client named "vagrant.vm"
localhost * Your validation client (xxxxxx-validator) may have misconfigured authorization permissions.

It’s quite obvious that my earlier tutorial-based activities had registered the ‘vagrant.vm’ node name with my hosted Chef. Accordingly I visited my Hosted Chef portal and removed the node, but after receiving confirmation of the node being deleted I was still getting the same error when attempting to provision my local vm box.


Give the second Vagrant node a new name when bootstrapping e.g.

$ knife bootstrap localhost \
 --ssh-user vagrant \
 --ssh-password vagrant \
 --ssh-port 2222 \
 --run-list "recipe[apt]" \
 --sudo \
 --node-name "vagrant.vm2"

Alternatively you can delete the first node you created via knife on the CLI (rather than attempting to delete the node via the web-based Hosted Chef interface):

$ knife node delete "vagrant.vm"