
Monthly Archives: September 2013

As promised, here is a link to the slides for the “Using Java to Build Java” BOF session that Steve Poole and I presented on Monday 23rd September at JavaOne 2013. It discusses our initial work on the “Betterrev” application, which is a new (in-progress) way to contribute to the OpenJDK codebase. Enjoy!


Can’t see the presentation slides? Please click here

The original pitch for the presentation is included below:

“With the rise of GitHub and the recent move of the Eclipse foundation to a social coding model, more and more people are wondering why participation in OpenJDK (the open source reference implementation of Java SE) isn’t keeping up with the times. A small group of people from the LJC and Adopt OpenJDK are trying to solve this problem by building Betterrev.

Betterrev is a platform that enables social participation in Openjdk, that works by hooking up repositories into Atlassian Bitbucket – ‘Github for mercurial’. Its goal is reduce barriers to entry and participation in OpenJDK. Down the line we’re hoping to tie into a build and test platform, so that community contributors can have their patches tested on any system from a macbook air, to an IBM mainframe.”